1. Log into your Vetrax® Portal by navigating to https://login.aglvetrax.net.

2. Click "New Patient" near the top-left corner.

3. Enter the dog's demographics and click "Next".

4. Select "Hill's Healthy Weight Challenge", choose either In-Practice Pickup or Home Delivery, click "OK" and then click "Join".

5. Enter the dog's BFI, click "OK" and then "Next".

6. Use the express settings by clicking on "Use express settings" or customize the conditions, treatments and targets by clicking "Customize info".

7. Enter the device number (DN) from the sticker on the back of the Vetrax sensor box or the sensor itself and click "Next".

8. Click on either "Yes. The client is new to Vetrax." or "No. The client has used Vetrax before."

9. If choosing yes, enter the client's information and click "Next". If choosing no, select the client from the available list that populates and click "Continue".

10. Click "Next" and you will be brought to the review screen. 

11. Click "Place Order Now" if the patient is ready to be registered. If they are not and you wish to finish the enrollment at a later time, click "Finish Later".

**Note that if the client already has an active monitoring plan on another dog, choose "Yes. The client is new to Vetrax." and re-enter the client's information using a different email address than the dog with an active monitoring plan. The same name and phone number can be used.